Hur länge är Black Friday

20 oktober 2023
Jon Larsson

– En In-Depth Look at the Duration of This Shopping Extravaganza

Hur länge är egentligen Black Friday?



Black Friday, often referred to as the biggest shopping day of the year, is a highly anticipated event for consumers worldwide. It originated in the United States but has gained popularity in many other countries. In this article, we will explore the duration of Black Friday, providing a comprehensive overview, examining its different types, discussing variations in duration, and delving into its historical pros and cons.

Vad är Black Friday och vilka typer finns?


Black Friday traditionally falls on the day after Thanksgiving, which is the fourth Thursday of November in the United States. However, the duration of Black Friday has expanded over the years. Initially, it was a one-day event, but it has evolved into a multi-day shopping extravaganza, featuring pre-Black Friday deals, online sales, and extended shopping hours.

Types of Black Friday:

1. Traditional Black Friday: This is the original one-day event that kicks off the holiday shopping season with massive discounts and promotions. It starts early in the morning, with some stores even opening their doors at midnight.

2. Pre-Black Friday: Retailers often begin offering discounts and promotions in the days leading up to Black Friday. This allows shoppers to take advantage of deals before the rush.

3. Cyber Monday: While not technically part of Black Friday, Cyber Monday has become an integral component of the overall shopping weekend. It focuses on online sales and is celebrated on the Monday following Thanksgiving.

Kvantitativa mätningar om Black Friday

Quantitative Measurements:

The duration of Black Friday can vary depending on the country and retailers. However, here are some general quantitative measurements to provide an understanding of its scope:

1. Black Friday Hours: In the United States, the traditional Black Friday begins early in the morning, with many stores opening their doors at 5 a.m. or even earlier. However, some retailers have started opening on Thanksgiving Day itself, extending the event further.

2. Black Friday Weekend: The shopping frenzy doesn’t stop after Friday. Many retailers offer promotions throughout the weekend, enticing consumers to continue their shopping sprees.

3. Online Sales: Black Friday has become increasingly digital, with more and more consumers opting to shop online. Online sales for Black Friday have risen steadily, with major retailers offering online-exclusive deals.

4. Extended Deals: To accommodate shoppers and the growing demand, some retailers extend their Black Friday sales throughout the week, known as Black Friday Week.

Skillnader i ”hur länge är Black Friday”

Variations in Duration:

The length of Black Friday can differ across countries and even among retailers within the same region. Here are some key variations:

1. International Differences: Black Friday has expanded globally, but each country may adapt the duration to align with local shopping habits and cultural factors. For example, in the United Kingdom, Black Friday is typically observed for one day, whereas in the United States, it often extends throughout the weekend.

2. Store-specific Hours: Retailers have the flexibility to choose their operating hours during Black Friday. Some choose to open early in the morning and close late at night, while others have reduced hours or limited-time flash sales.

3. Online Exclusive Duration: The online aspect of Black Friday allows for round-the-clock shopping. Online retailers may prolong their sales to cater to different time zones and increase their customer base.

Historiska för- och nackdelar med olika ”hur länge är Black Friday”

Historical Perspective:

Black Friday’s duration has evolved over time, and with it, both advantages and disadvantages have emerged:


1. More Time for Shoppers: Extending the duration of Black Friday allows consumers to spread out their shopping, reducing overcrowding and providing a more relaxed and enjoyable shopping experience.

2. Increased Sales Opportunities: For retailers, a longer Black Friday means more chances to attract and retain customers. It provides an extended period to promote sales and maximize revenue.

3. Expanded Shopping Options: With the inclusion of Cyber Monday and pre-Black Friday deals, consumers have more opportunities to find discounts and make informed purchasing decisions.


1. Consumer Fatigue: The prolonged Black Friday period and the constant bombardment of advertisements can lead to consumer fatigue. Shoppers may become overwhelmed and less willing to participate in the event.

2. Diluted Deals: Extending Black Friday can lead to diluted deals, with retailers offering less competitive discounts as the days progress.

3. Negative Impact on Employees: The elongated Black Friday period can place a burden on retail employees, affecting their work-life balance and mental well-being.


Black Friday’s duration has significantly stretched from a single day to a multi-day event that encompasses pre-Black Friday promotions, traditional Black Friday sales, Cyber Monday deals, and extended online shopping opportunities. The duration varies across countries and retailers, allowing for flexibility and adaptation to local consumer preferences. While the extended period offers advantages such as increased sales opportunities and more time for shoppers, it also presents challenges such as consumer fatigue and detrimental effects on employees. Understanding the duration of Black Friday is crucial for consumers and retailers alike to make informed decisions and maximize the benefits of this global shopping phenomenon.

Word count: 742


Finns det olika typer av Black Friday-evenemang?

Ja, det finns olika typer av Black Friday-evenemang. Det traditionella Black Friday-evenemanget är en dag med massiva rabatter och erbjudanden. Det finns också pre-Black Friday-deals som startar innan själva Black Friday, och Cyber Monday som är fokuserat på onlineförsäljning.

Hur länge pågår Black Friday traditionellt sett?

Black Friday traditionellt sett pågår en dag och inträffar dagen efter Thanksgiving i USA.

Vilka är fördelarna och nackdelarna med att förlänga Black Friday?

Fördelarna med att förlänga Black Friday inkluderar mer tid för konsumenterna att sprida ut sina köp och ökad försäljningspotential för butikerna. Nackdelarna kan vara konsumenttrötthet, utspädda erbjudanden och en negativ påverkan på anställdas välmående.

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